
New template. New blog focus. I'm excited.

Since I lack a serious sense in fashion, I am making it a goal to write at least one post a week that includes some fashion ideas/styles/outfits. I will attempt to put together something new each time from my closet .... dun dun dun.

Food posts will continue.. I am seriously trying to make this blog thing a priority ! I've got some good ideas, as well as a lot of room in my brain to learn. You guys can help me with that.
.....whoever you guys is.

My tums gurgling. I may or may not be hungry....at 11:43 am.

I am extremely sick today ! I need some help with how to post my pictures without them looking so tiny. Do I need to use a photobucket account ? Everytime I use the "add image" link on blogspot, it makes it so tiny ! Any blog help is welcomed.. I'm fairly new to it all.
As I was searching for new templates, I was reminded of my days on Xanga. Did anyone else use Xanga in their adolescent years? I was obsessed with the site. And AIM. AOL. Hahah. How time changes......